Chris's Universe - Sci-Fi, Books, Self-Publication, and More

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Introducing Waypoint: Eclipse

It was a normal day on the lunar Waypoint station – refugees and colonists arriving from Earth and departing to stars unknown. Then the bodies start turning up. An unknown killer gains access to the station’s sensitive networks and torments victims with their personal secrets. On top of that, a security team finds a mysterious artifact on the lunar surface that cripples the station. The situation becomes dire – and the lunar station suffers a mysterious cataclysm, killing all on the station and leading to humans abandoning Earth.

One thousand years in the future, a group of treasure-hunting salvagers defies all taboo and personal safety to loot the ancient station. But then their ship is destroyed, trapping them on the moon – and the crew starts dying one by one. It is almost as if the decrepit station is haunted. The team must use their wits and battle their personal demons – along with a shadowy foe who seems to know their darkest secrets. If the crew is to survive and escape, they’ll need to endure the depths of their own minds, and their trials will reveal the biggest secrets from the last millennium – what happened to the moon base? Why was the Earth abandoned? Who is this mysterious foe – and can they even be defeated at all?


I’m beyond thrilled to announce that my second full-length novel Waypoint: Eclipse is complete, and that I’ve been querying literary agents since January. I received a lot of great feedback from my beta readers and decided to move forward. This book has been a decade in the making from conception to final draft, and I’m extremely proud of it. The characters all have interesting, emotional arcs that directly impact the story, and I absolutely love that the plot takes place across two different times. I think it adds more to the mystery and allure of the setting. Thus far, I’ve received several rejections and a request for a full manuscript read. I will keep refining my pitch and querying agents. If folks aren’t interested, I’ll likely end up self-publishing this work like my previous ones.

Regardless, watch this space for updates! It will be in your hands very soon, and I will start posting chapters here and on my social media. Can’t wait for you all to see it!