A Drop in the Bucket

After writing Artifacts and in the middle of writing Waypoint: Eclipse I wanted a break. Compiling a bunch of my old, unpolished work from college seemed like a great idea. Whether or not it was a great idea, only time and my Amazon analytics can tell. (The jury is out).

The biggest irony is that Amazon DID buy this! (But they’ll literally host someone’s fifth grade essay).

Sometimes projects just put themselves together. “Bucket” is my childhood nickname, and so the pun was perfect. The rusty bucket is an extension of that, and the image is a sardonic, self-effacing take on the quality of the writing therein. And I just have an affinity for penguins, don’t ask. Oh, and the back cover blurb may just be the best thing I’ve ever written.

Obviously this small book is a departure from the normally serious tone of my work; it’s a very small collection, and it’s supposed to be fun and slightly offensive. I hope you enjoy!

