Long Time, No Blog: But Hey, Waypoint Can Walk and Talk Now!

Many blogs begin with emphatic apologies for not blogging lately. The authors are busy; they haven’t had time to write.

Well, this blog is no different.

Hey, everybody! Sorry for not posting in such a long time. Times are a’crazy, and I’ve just had zero time to actually write.

Busy with what, you ask?!

Well - I published Waypoint Eclipse on Amazon. No big deal.

I also started recording a serialized audio/video version of Waypoint and starting posting it to my YouTube channel! Also no big whoop. (Read the following sadly, and in the voice of Jeb Bush: “Please like and subscribe.”).

I’ve also been marketing the hell out of both. It’s hard to directly say whether those efforts led to sales. Sales have been promising! Here’s where it’s at:

-61 copies of Waypoint sold! Significant preference for the physical copy (44 print, 14 Kindle versions, and 3 signed copies in the mail). Nearly 3,000 Kindle pages of Waypoint read as well since publication.

And! Probably the most exciting update is this review left on Amazon, which I did not pay for (and I have no idea who the author is). It’s special beyond words when family and friends leave reviews (Jeb Bush: Please leave a review), but it goes even farther when a stranger likes the material:

"Waypoint Eclipse" by Christopher Buchheit is a masterful sci-fi adventure that proves to be an unputdownable journey into the far reaches of space. Seamlessly blending the narrative depth and galactic scope of "The Expanse" with the rich character development reminiscent of "Andor," Buchheit has created a universe that is as vast as it is captivating. The story revolves around Shep, a salvager venturing into the remnants of Earth's old moon, where he stumbles upon a forgotten outpost brimming with mysteries. Buchheit's skill in weaving a tale that is both grand in scale and intensely personal is evident in every page.

The novel's strength lies in its well-crafted characters, each adding depth and color to the narrative. Shep, in particular, is a compelling protagonist whose quest uncovers more than just physical relics; it awakens an ancient evil that is as intriguing as it is menacing. This element of the unknown keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, eager to discover what lies ahead.

Buchheit's pacing is impeccable, skillfully balancing action with character development. The story moves at a pace that is exhilarating without being overwhelming, ensuring that the reader is hooked from start to finish. The way the author intertwines the character arcs is nothing short of brilliant, creating a tapestry of narratives that is both chilling and profoundly human.

In "Waypoint Eclipse," Buchheit has not only created a space odyssey that is thrilling and adventurous but also a reflective exploration of humanity's place in the cosmos. It is a book that reminds us of the wonders and horrors that might lie in the unknown reaches of space, making us ponder what we might find if we dare to look. This book is a must-read for anyone who loves sci-fi, and it's a testament to Buchheit's prowess as a storyteller. Five stars for a novel that not only entertains but also immerses you in a journey across the stars.

That ain’t too shabby! But I’d like to see the numbers keep going up.

In the midst of the marketing, I’ve paid for a press release (which, to be honest, didn’t lead to much apart from getting a lot of scam phone calls). I also have dipped my toes into the horrible pool of online advertising, which absolutely has increased sales (but I’m not certain the cost is worth the sales numbers thus far).

And now I’m at the point where I’m asking influencers to spread the word. I already have one great influencer agreeing to promote Waypoint, so I can’t wait to see that!

So, yeah, busy is busy. It’s been a whirlwind of a time getting Waypoint out. I’ve absolutely loved all the feedback it’s gotten so far, and I keep learning more and more about self-publication.

Looking ahead, I’ll continue marketing Waypoint and slowly ramp up my writing efforts for the next book, which I may or may not start teasing on this site, even if the content will most likely change quite dramatically.

For those who have picked up a copy of Waypoint, thank you so very much, from the bottom of my heart. For those of you who haven’t yet - THERE’S STILL TIME! GOGOGOGO!


What One of My Favorite Authors Thinks of Waypoint