What One of My Favorite Authors Thinks of Waypoint

Sometimes karma gives you a boost, and sometimes you have to take your shot.

In my last blog, I mentioned that one of my favorite sci-fi authors had agreed to write a cover blurb for Waypoint. Well, he came through. And because he came through, I now feel comfortable revealing who that author is and what he said about my book.

Ladies and gentlemen, Waypoint’s cover will feature a blurb written by none other than Michael A. Stackpole, author of many Star Wars novels, including several of the X-Wing books and I, Jedi. He’s also penned numerous standalone novels such as Once a Hero and Talion Revenant.

To say I’m excited is a massive understatement. His blurb will provide enormous credibility to the new novel, which I’m hoping will drive up sales.

Here’s what he had to say about Waypoint:

“Seamlessly melding the essences of The Expanse and Andor, Chris Buchheit has created a wonderful and engaging SF adventure in Waypoint: Eclipse. With solidly drawn characters and action, Waypoint: Eclipse hooks the reader from the start and whisks them off into a grand saga.”

I mean, holy crap, right?

To be mentioned anywhere near the same sentence as Andor or The Expanse by a credibly great author is just incredible.

In exchange for this blurb, I offered to mention his influence on my writing in the acknowledgments section, which I’m more than happy to do. The truth is, his writing and his advice have significantly impacted me.

He made a podcast back in the mid-aughts called "The Secrets," which provides advice for aspiring authors. The podcast had a few different “seasons,” and one of them is a step-by-step guide in plotting, creating character arcs, world-building, etc. The guide is separated into “days,” which walk you through these processes in bite-sized chunks. I can’t recommend this podcast enough. Every novel I’ve written in the last decade has started with these exercises, and each project is far better off because of it.

You can find “The Secrets” on platforms where you listen to podcasts. Look for the ones labeled “21 Days to a Novel.” You won’t regret it. He also provides writing seminars that walk you through these exercises and provide more insights. I had the pleasure of attending one during COVID, and the experience was more than worth it.

With that, ladies and gentlemen, Waypoint is completed! I now have all I need to proceed with getting my cover created, and the last step is publishing.

Holy smokes, this thing is finally coming to a close. More than a decade in the making. I can’t wait, and I hope folks out there enjoy it. More to come!



Long Time, No Blog: But Hey, Waypoint Can Walk and Talk Now!


What People I’ve Paid to be Nice to Me Think of My New Book